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Hazardous chemicals access advisory services
Service background

The promulgation of the Comprehensive Management Plan for the Safety of Hazardous Chemicals reveals the determination of the state to strengthen the comprehensive management of the safety of hazardous chemicals and curb the major accidents of hazardous chemicals, and the market supervision of hazardous chemicals will become more and more stringent.

Hazardous chemicals, especially special types of hazardous chemicals such as precursor chemicals, highly toxic chemicals, easily explosive chemicals, monitored chemicals, and strictly restricted toxic chemicals, whose supervision and management involve the production, operation, storage, use, transportation, import and export of chemicals and other aspects, each enterprise only after being audited by the relevant departments and obtaining the corresponding qualifications, Only in this way can the production and operation of hazardous chemicals be carried out legally and in compliance.  

Safe production/operation/use license of hazardous chemicals

1, Application scope:

Hazardous chemicals: chemicals listed in the Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals (2015); And the main ingredients are listed in the Catalogue, and the sum of the mass ratio or volume ratio of the main ingredients is not less than 70% of the mixture (except those identified as not belonging to the principle of determining hazardous chemicals);

Enterprises engaged in the production and distribution (including warehousing) of hazardous chemicals within the territory of the People's Republic of China;

Chemical enterprises that are listed in the catalogue of industries applicable to the safe use license of hazardous chemicals, use hazardous chemicals for production and meet the quantity standard for the use of hazardous chemicals (except hazardous chemical production enterprises).

2. Key points of enterprise compliance:

Hazardous chemical production enterprises shall obtain hazardous chemical safety production licenses according to law;

Hazardous chemicals trading enterprises shall obtain hazardous chemicals trading licenses according to law;

Enterprises using hazardous chemicals that meet the conditions shall obtain a license for the safe use of hazardous chemicals in accordance with law.

3, legal basis

Measures for the Implementation of Safety Production License for Hazardous Chemical Production Enterprises (General Administration Order No. 41)

Measures for the Administration of Hazardous Chemicals Business Licenses (Order No. 55 of the General Administration of China)

Measures for the Implementation of the License for the Safe Use of Hazardous Chemicals (Order No. 57 of the General Administration)

Catalogue of Industries Applicable to the Safe Use License of Hazardous Chemicals

Quantity Standard of Hazardous Chemicals Used
Precursor Chemicals Management

1, Application scope:

Precursor chemicals: substances included in the Catalogue of Classification and Varieties of Precursor Chemicals, as well as salts that may exist in the substances listed in Categories I and II of the Catalogue; Precursor chemicals in the pharmaceutical category in category I include raw materials and their formulations;

Production, operation, purchase, transportation, import and export of precursor chemicals.

2. Key points of enterprise compliance:

The State applies a classified management and licensing system to the production, distribution, purchase, transportation, import and export of precursor chemicals.

Whoever produces/deals in precursor chemicals of category I shall obtain a production/business license according to law; Anyone who produces or deals in precursor chemicals of category II or III shall file a record with the relevant department;

Those who purchase precursor chemicals in category I shall obtain a purchase license according to law; Those who purchase precursor chemicals in categories II and III shall file a record with the relevant department;

Transportation of precursor chemicals in category I and Category II shall obtain a transportation license according to law; Transportation of precursor chemicals in category III shall be filed with the relevant departments;

Those who apply for the import and export of precursor chemicals shall obtain an import and export license according to law (mixtures containing toluene, acetone, butanone, sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid are exempt from licensing).

3, legal basis:

  Regulations on the Administration of Precursor Chemicals (Decree No. 445 of The State Council)

Measures for the Control of Drug Precursor Chemicals (Ministry of Health Decree No. 72)

"Non-drug Precursor Chemicals Production and business licensing Measures" (Work Safety Administration Order No. 5)

Regulations on the Administration of the Import and Export of Precursor Chemicals (Order of the Ministry of Commerce No. 7 of 2006)

"Specific Provisions on the Administration of the Import and Export of Mixtures Containing Precursor Chemicals" (Announcement of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China No. 23 of 2007)

Monitoring chemicals

1, Application scope:

Monitored chemicals: Chemicals included in the List of Various Monitored Chemicals and the List of New Varieties included in the third Category of Monitored Chemicals;

Enterprises engaged in the production, storage, management, use, purchase and sale, import and export of monitored chemicals.

2. Key points of enterprise compliance:

The State shall implement a special licensing system for the production of specific organic chemicals containing phosphorus, sulfur and fluorine in Class II and Class III controlled chemicals and Class IV controlled chemicals;

Monitored chemicals should be stored in a dedicated chemical warehouse, and set up special management, establish a strict outbound, inbound inspection system and registration system;

Where Category I/II monitored chemicals need to be used, an application shall be filed with the relevant department, and a copy of the distribution contract shall be submitted to the relevant department for the record;

The designated units entrusted to import Category II and III monitored chemicals and their production technologies and special equipment shall file an application with the competent department of chemical industry under The State Council, and submit an explanation and certification of the final use of the imported chemicals, production technologies or special equipment, and apply to the competent department of foreign economic cooperation and trade under The State Council for an import license;

3, legal basis

Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Monitored Chemicals (Decree No. 190 of The State Council)

Implementation Rules of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Monitored Chemicals (Order No. 48 of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

Measures for the Administration of Import and Export Licenses for Dual-Use Items and Technologies (Decree No. 29 of 2005 of the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs)

Management of highly toxic/Explosive chemicals

1, Application scope:

Highly toxic chemicals: chemicals noted as highly toxic in the Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals (2015);

Explosive hazardous chemicals: chemicals listed in the List of Explosive Hazardous Chemicals (2017);

Enterprises engaged in the production, storage, management, purchase and transportation of highly toxic chemicals and explosive hazardous chemicals.

2. Key points of enterprise compliance:

Units that produce and store highly toxic chemicals and explosive hazardous chemicals shall truthfully record the quantity and direction of the explosive hazardous chemicals they produce and store, take necessary safety precautions, set up public security agencies, assign full-time security personnel, and establish special warehouses in accordance with the provisions of the State;

Units that have not obtained the license for the safe production/use/operation of hazardous chemicals and purchase highly toxic chemicals shall obtain the purchase license for highly toxic chemicals according to law; Those who purchase explosive hazardous chemicals shall present the legal usage statement issued by the unit;

Road transport of highly toxic chemicals, the road transport permit for highly toxic chemicals shall be obtained according to law;

The sales enterprises and purchasing units of highly toxic chemicals and explosive chemicals shall, within 5 days after the sale and purchase, file the relevant information with the relevant departments, etc.

3, legal basis

Regulations on the Safety Administration of Hazardous Chemicals

Measures for the Administration of Purchasing and Road Transportation Licenses for Highly Toxic Chemicals

Strict restrictions on the import and export of toxic chemicals environmental management registration

1, Application scope:

Enterprises that import and export chemicals listed in the List of China's Strictly Restricted Toxic Chemicals, as well as related production, use and management enterprises.

2. Key points of enterprise compliance:

Strictly restricted toxic chemicals import and export enterprises need to apply for toxic chemicals import and export environmental management registration certificate;

After the enterprise obtains the registration certificate, the import and export of toxic chemicals shall apply for the import and export environmental management release notice;

3, legal basis

Environmental Management Regulations for the First Import of Chemicals and the Import and Export of Toxic Chemicals (Environmental Management System (1994) No. 140)

Announcement on the Publication of the List of Toxic Chemicals Strictly Restricted in China (2018) (Joint Announcement No. 74 of 2017 by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs)

The services we provide

We can provide one-stop solution for chemical import trade compliance. Our services include, but are not limited to:

  • Safe production/operation/use license of hazardous chemicals
  • Precursor/Monitoring Chemicals Management Consulting
  • Highly Toxic Chemicals/Explosive Chemicals Management Consulting
  • Strict restrictions on the import and export of toxic chemicals environmental management registration
Service Advantages
Zhongbang is one of the earliest institutions in China to engage in compliance consulting services. It has a senior expert team composed of PhDs, Masters, and Bachelor's degrees, and has established branches in the UK, the United States, South Korea, Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Fuzhou, Shenzhen, and other places, forming a global service network layout.
  • Strong technical strength:
    A strong team composed of mid to senior technical personnel with professional backgrounds in chemistry, food nutrition and health, medicine, biology, toxicology, environment, and other fields
  • International service level:
    A business elite team with multiple languages including English, Japanese, German, and Chinese, efficiently serving international customers
  • Rich compliance experience:
    With years of experience in global product and regulatory research in multiple fields, we are able to provide comprehensive and high-level compliance consulting support to various customers
  • Localized service capabilities:
    Having multiple branch offices in the UK, USA, South Korea, Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Fuzhou, Shenzhen, etc., we can provide you with services nearby
  • Teacher Zhou
  • Teacher Shi
  • Teacher Yan
  • Teacher Lu
  • Teacher Geng
  • Teacher Liu
  • Teacher Shou
  • Teacher Jia
  • Teacher Zhan
  • Teacher Liu
  • Teacher Li
  • Teacher Cheng
  • Teacher Han
  • Teacher Sheng
  • Teacher Fu
  • Teacher Lu
  • Teacher Wang
  • Teacher Chang
  • Teacher Zhu
  • Teacher Sang
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Service Hotline :400-115-9001
About Us
Zhongbang Consulting (Shandong Zhongbang North Management Consulting Co., Ltd.) focuses on product registration and compliance consulting services. With its professional technology, diverse resources, and global network, we are committed to providing regulatory consulting and environmental regulation response services for pharmaceutical, chemical, consumer goods production enterprises, and large multinational corporations. To solve the environmental, health and safety laws and regulations, product quality standards, and other issues faced by enterprises in production, sales, and global trade processes.
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Service Hotline:400-115-9001
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If you have any issues related to environmental health and safety laws and regulations, product quality standards, etc. that need to be resolved in import and export trade, you can contact us for assistance.
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