Service Hotline :
400-115-9001 400-115-9001
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    Registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals. All companies that produce or import chemicals greater than 1 tonne/year into the UK are required to register the chemicals they produce or import; Online submission system Comply with UK REACH; Formal registration can only be carried out after Inquiry according to the requirements
    Jul. 25th, 2023
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    Under UKREACH, manufacturers and importers are required to register chemicals entering the UK market. It covers all industries related to the import, distribution or use of chemicals as raw materials or manufactured goods (chemicals, automobiles, textiles, electronics, vaccine supplies, etc.).
    Jul. 24th, 2023
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    Provide a high level of protection against the use of chemicals for human health and the environment. Those who place chemicals on the market (manufacturers and importers) are responsible for understanding and managing the risks associated with their use. Promote the use of alternative methods to assess the hazardous nature of substances.
    Jul. 24th, 2023
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    If you do not do pre-registration and do not meet the post-pre-registration conditions, you can only directly register. In this case, after 2019.6.30, the export shall not exceed 1 ton/year, until the formal registration is completed, you can export more than 1 ton/year. Compared with pre-registration, there is less of this precious 3-12 year buffer pe
    Jul. 24th, 2023
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