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  • A
    The European Commission website on July 11 news, the European Union has a lot of international cosmetics brands, cosmetics industry is an important industry in the European Union, with more than 4,000 production enterprises, directly or indirectly invented more than 1.5 million jobs. In 2009, the European Union enacted a new cosmetics regulation, which
    Jun. 20th, 2022
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    In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EC)No1223/2009, the person responsible and, in specific cases, the cosmetic distributor will submit information through the CPNP about the products they will or may be marketed in the European Union. Therefore, both the EU responsible person and the EU distributor are required to make CPNP notification.
    Jul. 25th, 2021
  • A
    The Cosmetics Product Notification (CPNP) is an online notification system created by the European Union Cosmetics Regulation ECNo1223/2009 to complete the regulation of cosmetics. The & # 8195;
    May. 28th, 2021
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