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ECHA publishes a specification for substances exempt from REACH
ChemicalsEU REACH
Apr. 16th, 2024
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published a detailed specification for substances exempt from REACH to further clarify the circumstances under which companies can apply for substances exempt from REACH registration, so that substances can legally exist in the EU market without a registration number. ECHA also stressed that even if a substance
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published a detailed specification for substances exempt from REACH to further clarify the circumstances under which companies can apply for substances exempt from REACH registration, so that substances can legally exist in the EU market without a registration number. ECHA also stressed that even if a substance is exempt from REACH registration, it still needs to fulfill the information transfer obligations of the supply chain to ensure the safe use of the substance.

Therefore, ECHA has issued the REACH Exemption Specification to help companies understand that some substances can legally enter the EU market even without a registration number, but companies can still obtain safety data sheets (SDS) and extended Safety data Sheets (eSDS) for substances from their suppliers.
EU REACH exempt substances
Substances exempt from REACH registration under Article 2 (7) of the EU REACH Regulation include:
Substances listed in Annex IV of the REACH regulation that are not likely to pose a risk due to their own characteristics (such as water, nitrogen, etc.);
Substances listed in Annex V of the REACH regulation that are not suitable for or necessary for registration, including minerals, ores, concentrates, etc. that occur in nature and are not chemically processed;
A registered substance recovered to the EU through a recycling process;
A registered substance that is re-imported after export.
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