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ECHA launches a new chemical database ECHA CHEM, and the REACH registration data page has changed
ChemicalsEU REACH
Apr. 16th, 2024
On 30 January, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) launched the ECHA CHEM Platform, a new chemical database designed to share the growing volume of chemical information with the public in a more concise and clear way.
On January 30, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) launched the ECHA CHEM Platform, a new chemical database designed to share the growing volume of chemical information with the public in a more concise and clear way.

It should be noted that the current version already contains information on all REACH registrations, and in the future information on registration data will only be updated in the new system.

The arrival of the new platform also means that from today on, the REACH registration information query entrance will change!

ECHA's existing chemical information platform was launched in 2016 and has since grown rapidly to now contain information on more than 360,000 chemicals, making it one of the most extensive chemical databases in the world. In order to better cope with the increasing diversity and volume of data, ECHA announced in 2022 that it would create a new system to publish data, using new technologies to improve the shortcomings of the existing system.  
The launch of ECHA CHEM marks another important step in the development of ECHA's chemical data sharing services.
So, what are the important changes in the new system as an important tool for compliance personnel? Here we summarize the changes and presentation of the new system for your reference:
More diverse search functions
Same as before, substance search by EC/CAS/ Name /IUPAC, when a part of a name is entered, all results containing that name appear, and the new system can export all results in Excel format.
Clearer data navigation
All information such as substance information, volume, registration type, and registration members are presented in a list at a glance. Each volume is displayed individually, making it easier to view the volumes of all registered members, especially LR volumes.
Data format consistent with registration file
volume interface is displayed in the format of IUCLID to realize real-time data update.
It is worth noting that the new system will not disclose any more information than it currently does, and the level of confidentiality will remain the same as before, only the presentation will change. Over the next few years, ECHA will also gradually transfer additional data from the old system to ECHA CHEM (see chart below for the 2024 rollout plan).
During this transition period, both the old and new systems can be used, and users can still switch to the old system to query relevant data through SEARCH FOR CHEMICALS. However, the data transferred to the new system will no longer be updated in the old system, which will be shut down once all data transfers are completed.
Zhongbang Consulting will track the updates of ECHA CHEM in real time and release information in a timely manner, please pay attention to the relevant developments in the future!
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